

Years 7 and 8 children are senior pupils (age 11-13) at Hall Grove and with this title comes a number of exciting opportunities and responsibilities across all areas of school life.

Academically, the children move onto the broad and rich 13+ curriculum. Pupils are taught by a host of new teachers and subject specialists. The curriculum widens to include lessons in Greek and Computing. The sciences split into Chemistry, Physics and Biology classes across three dedicated classrooms. There are increased opportunities in the performing and visual arts as we seek to give the children a range of experiences and inspire them to try new things.

A vigorous co-curricular programme (involving several residential trips, including one to France in Year 7 and expeditions to Battisborough House) fosters independence and a sense of responsibility, key for success in the senior years. Outdoor learning days, an exciting schedule of visiting speakers and a comprehensive leadership scheme help to develop these skills.

The senior pupils, particularly the Year 8s, have the privileged position of being the oldest children in school. All Year 8 pupils become school monitors and every child completes duties which are essential to the smooth running of the school. Senior children can be House Captains or Sports Captains, leaders in the music department, speakers in assemblies, tour guides, ambassadors and mentors. These roles are far more than just badges on a blazer; these obligations help them develop the skills that will make them thrive, not just survive, in their next school when their Hall Grove journey is complete.

We welcome applicants into Year 7, come and see how Hall Grove could develop your child’s talents.

Mr Mike Wheeler (Section Leader Years 5 - 7) and Mr Chris Pilgrim (Year 8)