Hall Grove School

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Principal's Welcome


In August 1956, my mother and father arrived at Hall Grove with a young family and set about founding a school. It was a brave enterprise, but starting with just six pupils they laid the foundations for what is today one of the leading preparatory schools in the country with 420 boys and girls and a talented teaching and support staff of over 60 men and women.

Hall Grove has a very special character. It is a country school that enriches young lives with a wide range of experiences, both in its extensive grounds and on the South Devon coast at our own field study centre. Success can be measured in our academic results, sporting achievements and by our dramatic and musical performances. More importantly, our pupils enjoy their school days and, over time, they develop a deep and lasting attachment to the place that will have helped shape their future lives.

My own teaching career started here in 1978. 43 years later I handed over day-to-day responsibility to Neil Tomlin, our exceptional Headmaster. As Principal of the school I remain in very close contact, overseeing key aspects of policy and helping to plan future developments.

The Graham family is delighted to see Hall Grove continue to grow and flourish. In spite of many changes it remains a thriving community and a very special place in which to live and work.

Alastair Graham - Principal


(The Principal may be contacted through the school office,

by telephone: 01276 470001, or by email: a.graham@hallgrove.co.uk).