Our Next Open Morning - Friday 11th October 2024, 0900-1100

Please click below to register. If you would like to arrange a private tour, please email admissions@hallgrove.co.uk










  • Early Years & Pre-Prep
    Pre-School - Year 2
  • Lower & Upper Juniors
    Years 3 - 6
  • Seniors
    Years 7 & 8







How to Apply

Prospective parents contact the Admissions Team: 01276 470015 or admissions@hallgrove.co.uk

  1. Initial visit to Hall Grove on an Open Morning or by individual appointment.
  2. Parents register pupil(s) and pay non-refundable £200 Registration fee(s).
  3. Pupils are assessed according to their year group, as detailed in our Admissions Policy.  An offer of a place will be made shortly after the assessment process and a Deposit of £1000 is required to secure the place on acceptance.
  4. Induction Mornings for those joining the school in September take place towards the end of the Summer Term and further Joining information will be posted in mid-July.

We are very happy to consider entry to all year groups during the year, subject to availability.

Entry to Pre-School

Following a visit to the school, the child’s current nursery/childminder will be contacted. 

A place will be offered once information from the child’s 2-year-old progress report and information from any childminder/nursery the child attends has been reviewed by the Head of Early Years.

Entry to Reception

As part of the assessment process that takes place before a child is finally accepted at Hall Grove, the Head of Early Years will contact the child’s current nursery school for a progress report.

In the unlikely event that we have any concerns about the child’s suitability for Hall Grove at four years of age we will discuss these with the parents; otherwise, we will confirm the offer of a place. In practical terms, this means that a place is usually confirmed towards the end of the Autumn Term prior to the next year’s September intake. However, in some cases this will be subject to further pre-school visits.

We value close collaboration with pre-schools and nurseries, not only as regards the information they supply us about the development of prospective pupils, but also through our interest in the methods they use to inspire and motivate the children in their care.   

Entry to Year 3

Hall Grove moves to a three-form entry system at the start of Year 3 at which time an additional twenty places become available.

There is an Assessment Morning in the Spring term for children on our list for entry to Year 3 for the following September. Pupils are assessed in English and Maths and observed interacting with their peers. A report is taken from the child’s current school and offers made before the end of the Spring Term.  

Entry to Years 7 & 8

Day and weekly boarding places are available at the beginning of Year 7, for those wishing to spend two years at the top of a prep school before starting senior school.

Children are assessed in a similar way to those entering years other than Pre-School, Reception or Year 3. 

Entry to Other Years

Prospective pupils are invited to spend a day at Hall Grove, during which they are assessed by the relevant Section Leader.

Pupils applying for places in Year 4 and above will often have a short, informal interview with a senior member of staff and may be asked to undertake some simple written assessments to gauge their suitability for the school. Their report is passed to the Headmaster who, as in all cases, will make the final decision.


To register for the Open Day please fill in the form below.

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