Hall Grove School

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Fee Information

The termly fees from January 2025, inclusive of VAT are as follows:-

Day Fees

The fees include all ‘essential extras’ – meals, stationery, issued books, field trips, class outings, accident insurance, etc. Additional charges are for individual music lessons or learning support, holiday trips (such as sports tours and ski trips), after-school clubs, breakfast, evening supervision, etc. 

Pre-School (5 sessions booked termly)


Additional sessions (booked termly)



£410 each

Pre-School (5 full days booked termly)




Years 1 and 2


Years 3 and 4


Years 5 to 8


Boarding Fees

 Boarding fees including after school care, supper and breakfast. 

Termly Boarding Fee

price on application

Single Night Fee 

£57.50 per night 

2 Nights Per Week, per term


3 Nights Per Week, Per Term


4 Nights Per Week, Per Term


10 Nights Pre-Paid Occasional Boarding


20 Nights Pre-Paid Occasional Boarding


Breakfast Club

£6.50 per booking 

Supper Club (includes after school activities)

£20 per booking

After School Care Costs*

After School Clubs (Termly)

£125 per activity per term 

After School Extra Care (Termly)

£125 per session per term

Adhoc After School Care, booked on the day (per session)

£15 per hour

The fees detailed above are for the academic year 2024/25, from January 2025 onwards and are inclusive of VAT. *For after school care, VAT will be added as necessary.

There is a sibling discount for multiple siblings attending the school concurrently: £400 for the first sibling, £800 for the second sibling and £1400 for three or more.

Hall Grove offers parents the opportunity to make lump sum payments in advance in respect of fees. Details of the scheme and FAQs are available under Finance Downloads below.

Terms of Entry

  1. The registration fee of £200 is non-refundable and it should accompany the completed Registration Form. The Registration Form is emailed to parents, the registration fee is payable into the school bank account, details below.
  2. The deposit of £1,000 is:-

(i) Payable in cash or by direct credit to the school’s bank account before the end of the Autumn Term of the year preceding entry (or forthwith if entry is scheduled to occur within two terms of a place being offered).

Barclays Bank Ltd Sort Code: 20 17 07
Account Number: 43937291
IBAN: GB30 BARC 2017 07439372 91

(ii) held as part of the school’s general funds until the end of the child’s final term when it will be refunded without interest by credit against the final invoice.

  1. The acceptance of the deposit is the point at which a legally binding contract is formed between Hall Grove School Limited and the parents including the terms and conditions set out in these Terms of Entry and the school allocates a place to the child and parents jointly and severally undertake to pay the termly fees.
  2. Each term’s fees are payable in advance by the first day of each term. The school is entitled to charge interest at a rate of 4% per annum above the base rate of HSBC Bank plc (from time to time in force on the amount outstanding and due for payment from the due date for payment) until actual payment is made. Administration and any ancillary legal costs will also be charged should fees remain unpaid by the due date. The Headmaster may suspend a child from attending school whilst fees are unpaid and may require the child to be withdrawn if there is persistent and serious default in paying the fees due.
  3. When a child is withdrawn from the school (whether before or after the child has commenced his / her first term) either:-

(iii) a full term’s notice in writing from parents must be received by the Headmaster, such notice to be received before the start of his / her final term, or (ii) a full term’s fees must be paid in lieu by the start of the term following his / her withdrawal.

  1. Fee reductions as shown in our Fees and Terms of Entry form are made for younger siblings attending at the same time as their older brother or sister. Accident insurance is included in the fees.
  2. Parents undertake to inform the school of any health or medical condition, disability or allergy that their child has or subsequently develops, whether long-term or short-term, including infections, and to support the school in its disciplinary and welfare policies.
  3. In order to fulfil the school’s obligations to provide education to the child, the school needs to maintain a constructive and good faith relationship with the parents/carers. The Headmaster may require you to remove the child from the school if the behaviour or conduct of the parents/carers or one of them is unreasonable and/or adversely affects or is likely to adversely affect your child’s or other children’s progress at the school or the wellbeing of school staff and/or brings or is likely to bring the school into disrepute.
  4. You agree that all those persons who have parental responsibility for the child are entitled to receive information about the child from the school including school reports, school calendar, correspondence relating to progress, development and education generally. The school will, therefore, disclose such information to such persons unless restricted from doing so by a Court Order (or similar direction) or by any other legal requirement or obligation.
  5. Parents/carers confirm that there are no outstanding fees due and payable to any school the child has previously attended and that the school may advise any school the child may attend in future if there are any fees outstanding and due to the school and what the payment record of the parents/carers has been.

Finance Downloads