Hall Grove School

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Academic Support and Enrichment

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

At Hall Grove we offer a small, yet effective, academic support and enrichment team which strives to guide not only pupils with specific learning difficulties, but also the families and staff working with these children. Our teachers work toward a half-termly learning focus and are regularly provided with the most up to date information about specific learning difficulties, requirements or strategies.  

We believe that all children should be supported in achieving their full potential and we fully understand the need to cater for a range of learning styles and abilities. There is a good understanding amongst all teachers about our duty to make reasonable adjustments for the special needs of any individual at Hall Grove. With this in mind, our staff aim to deliver quality, differentiated teaching so that, where possible, pupils are supported within their own class alongside their peers. 

 A small number of children may need to be part of an external group or have 1:1 teaching which, where possible, is then catered for within the school day. Our close contact and regular meetings with class teachers and the pastoral team ensure the children’s needs are met in all areas.  

Our academic support and enrichment team keep in close contact with a wide range of external professionals, and we are able to provide a quiet study room where privately funded 1:1 sessions with specialists such as Speech and Language Therapists, Educational Psychologists, Occupational Therapists and our Specialist Dyslexia teacher are able to deliver pre-arranged sessions. 

We firmly believe that happy and confident children achieve higher attainment levels, and we are therefore mindful of the emotional well-being of all children in our care and make this a key priority. 

Should you wish to discuss any matters regarding academic support and enrichment at Hall Grove, please do contact our team. 

We have included the Surrey link should you wish to investigate the local offer for this area. 

Laura Hopper – Head of Academic Support and Enrichment- SENDCo